Staphylococcal Infection

The staphylococcus bacteria are what cause staph infections. Many healthy people frequently have these types of germs on their skin or in their noses. These bacteria frequently do no harm or only result in minor skin diseases. However, staph infections can become fatal if the bacteria spread more into your body and get into your bloodstream, joints, bones, lungs, or heart. Life-threatening staph infections are becoming more common in apparently healthy individuals.

There are numerous forms of infections that staph bacteria can cause, including:

  • Skin infections, the most prevalent staph infection types.
  • Bacteremia, a bloodstream infection. Sepsis, an extremely dangerous immune response to infection, can result from this.
  • Bone infections
  • Endocarditis, a condition in which the heart's chambers and valves' inner linings become infected.
  • Food poisoning
  • Peumonia
  • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a potentially fatal illness brought on by toxins produced by specific bacterial species.

There are different symptoms with certain conditions when staph infections affect parts of your body other than your skin. Following are some of these conditions and their symptoms:

  • Food poisoning: Vomiting and diarrhoea are two serious symptoms of.
  • Mastitis: This condition, which primarily affects breast-feeding women, causes inflammation, pain, and abscesses.
  • Sepsis, commonly known as blood poisoning, is brought on by staph bacteria in the bloodstream. Fever and dangerously low blood pressure (hypotension) are symptoms.
  • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS): A severe form of septicemia, TSS symptoms includes fever, pains in the muscles, and a rash that resembles sunburn.
  • Endocarditis: Staph infections frequently result in this infection of the lining of the heart muscle. Your heart's physical muscle and heart valves may both be impacted. Fever, sweating, weight loss, and a rapid heartbeat are all symptoms.

Antibiotics and washing the affected region are typically used as treatments. But certain staph infections develop a resistance to standard drugs and stop responding to them. In order to treat staph infections that are resistant to antibiotics, health care providers may have to use drugs that have more adverse effects.

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